The NSF-funded Advanced Technology Education Centers and their partners have curricular materials, career pathways information, professional development for faculty and mentoring opportunities to help you get up to date on existing programs (such as HVAC, business, culinary, agriculture, and construction) and/or start new ones specifically in these topics.
CREATE offers resources for faculty leading renewable energy programs. Funded by the National Science Foundation, CREATE offers professional development workshops for faculty in clean energy technology that feature hands-on experience working with renewable energy tools and equipment. The Center also has a collection of profiles of exemplary renewable energy programs from two-year colleges across the country. Each program profile includes a program description, sample syllabi, model lab designs, and faculty and alumni interviews. CREATE also has instructional materials available to teachers that include fully developed lesson plans, student handouts, lecture materials, answer keys, assessment tools, and documentation that aligns the lessons with the DOE Energy Literacy Standards and the Next Generation Science Standards. CREATE PIs are engaged in mentoring faculty that are starting new renewable and energy efficiency programs, and in helping to incorporate clean energy principles within related fields such as architecture, construction, electrical, engineering, and HVAC programs. To download the most recent CREATE Newsletter, view the CREATE webinar collection, and sign up for the CREATE mailing list, please visit
The following programs are run by colleges and faculty that are part of the CREATE network:
For Automation Systems (BAS) Specialists as well as High Performance Building Operations Professionals (HPBOP). Expand your HVAC program, connect this to a business degree, or create a stand-alone program. Demand for these workers outstrips the supply. They can help you be part of its national network of community and technical colleges interested in improving and/or developing new building science technician education programs. The Center will continue to archive model curriculum and disseminate and promote the adoption of this model curriculum nationwide.
Contact: Larry Zarker, CEO at [email protected] or 202-256-3893 (direct).
The Building Performance Institute (BPI) offers certifications, standards, and programs in building energy efficiency. Their materials can be integrated into health programs, construction, business, design and HVAC programs or act as stand-alone curricula. The Building Performance Institute (BPI) delivers valuable marketplace certifications for individuals seeking a career in sustainable energy and the comfort, health and safety of homes. Over the past 28 years, BPI has worked closely with a national network of community colleges and other training centers to prepare people for a valuable career in single-family and multifamily “whole house” home performance upgrades.
BPI’s national network of Test Centers ensures a local source of training and certification testing. Certifications include Building Analyst (conducting the energy audit and overseeing the job), Envelope (tightening the home and reducing the energy burden), AC/Heat Pump and Heating (integrating a house-as-a-system approach to HVAC work), and Healthy Home Evaluator (eliminating conditions that may negatively impact the health of occupants). BPI was selected by the U.S. Department of Energy to develop four Home Energy Professional (HEP) certifications to serve the national low-income Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) in all 50 states. BPI also developed the Building Science Principles and Healthy Housing Principles reference guides and certificates of knowledge to serve as introductions to students interested in becoming realtors, inspectors, utility program staff, community health workers, in-home nurses, or asthma educators. In these times of national pandemic with people spending 99 percent of their time in their homes, it is critical to have a workforce that can optimize the performance of homes for the people who live in them.
The Center for Green Schools has multiple free curricular toolkits in green building design, operation, and construction, zero waste, and green careers to help students move into the high job growth area of green building design and construction. Scroll down on the link to access the free curricula.
As the Sustainability, Education and Economic Development (SEED) Center is a FREE initiative offered by the National Council for Workforce Education, we strive to provide our users with up-to-date information and materials. We encourage you to submit resources or open-source curriculum for possible posting on the SEED Center website.
Note: SEED is managed by a team of higher education experts who vet and curate resources and curriculum. Thus, not all submitted materials will appear on the website.
2023 SEED Center website updates funded by Lumina Foundation
©The SEED Center 2025